
Home electrical wiring is one of the most essential parts of a house, and usually hidden from plain view. Because of this, it’s often neglected or overlooked in terms of maintenance or repair.

Others might notice strange electrical behavior, such as flickering lights, but only ignore it, especially if the house isn’t too old. If you’re experiencing any electrical issues or anything you think might be an electrical issue M & M Electric is the right choice for you!

New Home Installation

M & M Electric can help with the installation of electrical systems in any new home project, no matter what stage of construction it’s in. If you’re framing the home and need an experienced contractor to complete the initial rough-in, we are here for you. If move-in day is just around the corner and you need a certified team to fine-tune the placement of outlets, fixtures, and panel boxes, we have you covered. 

Selling Your Home

Listing your home was supposed to be a relatively straightforward process. Now come to find out you have not one but several code violations in your electrical system! This doesn’t need to bring your plans to a halt. Call M & M Electric, and it will be a mere speed bump on the path to putting up that “for sale” sign. We’ll handle any residential system repairs on your current home, and perform a thorough system inspection on your new home. 

Common Problems

Older Homes

If a home is old, its electrical wiring is probably outdated. Appliances and other devices are constantly upgrading, and these updates put more strain on the electrical wiring. Another thing to consider is over time, the electrical wiring can become brittle and break apart.

Old homes are at a much higher risk of unwanted fires if it’s improperly handled by homeowners or not wired correctly. It is never a bad idea to have your electrical system checked and inspected to prevent electrical failures or fires.

Water Damage

Water is one factor leading to the most common household problems. It can cause a lot of damage especially when it comes in contact with electrical wiring.

If there’s ever been any water damage in the home, it’s crucial to call a electrician. Water is a good conductor. Thus, it can cause short-circuits and electric shock. Calling our team at M & M Electric to check the wiring will help determine if there’s any damage and, if so, how extensive it is and decide whether a rewiring is needed or not.

Lightning Malfunctions

If lights in a home frequently malfunction, it can also be a sign of a problem with the electrical wiring. When lights flicker, the most common reasons are:

  • Loose wiring connections in the switch’s
  • Loose wiring connections in the fixture itself
  • Over loaded circuits


Loose wiring connections are sometimes a result of bad terminals and connectors to hold the cable tight. Another factor is the age of the wiring.  Perhaps, the wire insulation has deteriorated, or the wire itself is corroded.  Over loaded circuits can also be a problem, overloaded circuits only make some lights flicker, they can be dangerous by causing heat on connections and devices.  At M & M Electric, we don’t want your lights to flicker any more.

Circuit Breaker Tripping

If you are experiencing breakers tripping frequently, it could be a sign that the circuit is overloaded or that the wiring is damaged. In either case, it’s best to call our team at M & M Electric to take a look and make the necessary repairs, as this could potentially damage your appliances or start a fire.

With electricity, it is better to be safe then sorry.  Call us to help with any of your electrical needs.